25 Jul Why Choose Peace Garden Montessori for your Child
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A source of deep inspiration for me is the intuitive and sensical response elicited through tactile, prepared learning ENVIRONMENTS. That’s right, I’ve capitalized the word environments, as I’m not referring to something nebulous or fluffy, rather I am referring to something much more tangible, in fact, I’m being literal in the original sense of the word. To me, and other Montessori initiates, the ENVIRONMENT is a deliberately prepared, tactile, motor-experiential PHYSICAL SPACE in which each motion and action of the child presents the opportunity for learning. The environment, by design, is purposefully planned to meet the child where they are at with structured opportunities for learning in a natural, subtle, non-confrontational way that presumes nothing about how the child should learn.
Non-judgmental, non-interfering.
What does PEACE GARDEN stand for?
The word Peace embodies the essence of the Montessori teaching philosophy. A Prepared environment with Engaging materials allows the Absorbent mind to surface through our universal need to experience Connectedness with nature to achieve the Education of the “Whole Child.”
Garden, for a place of Growth to foster the child’s inner talents, to Align child’s mind, body and spirit. It is a safe and neutral place to perform the Repetition of exercises to cultivate mastery, Develop daily life skills, Enriched by outdoor and indoor classrooms, Nourishing the child’s joy for life and learning.
If you want to know more about these concepts and how they fit into my curriculum, keep reading my blog.